“…but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.”

Back in the days of Xangas and Livejournals, I posted a blog about an experience God blessed me with that somewhat revolutionized my understanding of Him. Because it had such an impact, I’ve shared the anecdote with many people throughout the years, and I’ve decided that I want to share it with you.

I wrote this March of my senior year of high school:

              I had an interesting revelation yesterday. I got so excited about it, that I wanted to share with everyone: 

              We often have a negative mentality about God’s laws and rules. We think of them as things that keep us from having fun—that in order to follow God, we have to make all kinds of sacrifices and won’t get to do the things we really want to do. But that’s not how it’s supposed to be at all! God blessed me with a personal illustration of His desire for us through my relationship with my parents.

               People always talk about how much a person changes while they are in college because they’re no longer under their parents’ control. It’s not until they get off on their own, without those rules and restrictions in place, that they see who they really are. Well, yesterday I was talking to my parents about that concept, and we all agreed that we didn’t really think it would affect me in the same way.

              When I thought about it, I realized that I don’t really have “rules” that my parents have laid down for me to obey. As my dad pointed out, “You had rules when you were little, but you don’t need them now.” It was an interesting revelation. I don’t really have rules. I have a freedom with my parents, and I never feel like I’m being held back or restricted; it’s not because they’re lazy parents, or that they don’t have standards or morals! It’s because there’s nothing I want to do that goes against their desire for me. My will is so well aligned with my parents’ will that the rules aren’t necessary. 

             I was thinking about that and couldn’t help but get terribly excited. That’s how it’s supposed to be with our relationship with God! It’s not like he’s forcing us to give up things that are great fun. The more we know Him, and the more we love Him, and, most importantly, the more our hearts grow to be like His, the less we will want to do things that are outside of His will. The more like Him we become, the more our wills will be aligned with His…

          Isn’t that incredible? I get chills just thinking about it. What a perfect freedom that will be!  

As I said, this is an experience that’s never far from my mind, but to go back and read the words of 18-year-old Me was special nonetheless. It’s one thing to read and know promises like “…Those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing (Psalm 34:9-10),” but it’s quite a different thing to actually understand and believe them. It was an encouragement to see how I’ve grown in understanding this truth since that day in March, and I’m looking forward to the hope of growing in it even more.


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